Our Stories
Hello! I’m Clement Thiga Nyaga, and
"As Malbros grows, we grow together"
“Najivunia kua Dereva katika kampuni ya Malbros kwani nimeweza kuwalea na kuwasomesha watoto wangu.
Kando ya kua mwajiriwa nimejihisi kama mmoja wa familia ya Malbros.
Bwana Malde, Mwenyezi Mungu akubariki na akuwezeshe kutimiza ndoto yako juu ya Malbros.
As Malbros grows, we grow together.”
Clement Thiga Nyaga

Hello! I’m Lucy Wanja Ngugi
“I have been an employee at Malbros for over 15 years and I have benefited in many ways. I have been able to support and raise my family.
God Bless Malbros!”
Lucy Wanja Ngugi
Hello! Harrison Mwanjele Kombe, and
"I am proud to be an employee of Malbros"
“Mimi ninapongeza kampuni ya Malbros kwa vile imenisaidia sana.
Tena nampongeza sana mwenye kampuni Mr. Raj Malde.
Mola amuongezee maisha mengi. Asante.”
(“I am proud to be an employee of Malbros.
Personally, it has improved my life in so many ways.
I congratulate the Managing Director, Mr. Raj Malde.
May the Lord bless him with a long life.”)
Harrison Mwanjele Kombe
Assistant Storekeeper
Hello! I’m George Makutwa
“I have worked for Malbros for over 11 years.
I have witnessed the Company grow as it is not where it used to be many years ago. I am where I am because of this great Company.”
George Makutwa
Production – Mixing Assistant
Hello! Ruth Njambi, and
"I feel blessed to work in a company that represents my values"
“I thank the management for recognizing me as a long serving employee.
I am grateful as I have gained a lot of experience in production and packaging of the company’s products. I feel blessed to work in a company that represents my values.
God Bless Malbros.”
Ruth Njambi
Hello! I’m Loise Kamande, and
"I am happy to be in a company of growth”
“I take this great honour to thank my employer Mr. Raj Malde and Malbros fraternity for this great honour of recognizing me as a long serving employee at Malbros.
I have worked for 12 years and gained experience in different departments. Hard work, discipline and determination has made me to come this far.I am happy to be in a company of growth.”
Loise Kamande
M.I.S. – Production
2008 – Present